Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Mundane life of late has been a bit of a headache.  Thank goodness for fiber arts to give me a little distraction, stress relief, and a sense that I'm accomplishing something useful and tangible.  I finished my second pair of knee-high socks - I had a brain fart during the toe wedge and forgot how to m1 without creating a hole, but rather than rip back to the beginning, these are now a "ventilation feature".  I wore them during a visit home to celebrate my sister's graduation from university, and she and my mom accepted my offer to make them each a pair of crew socks.

In spinning news, I ordered some roving from Knit Picks and some old wooden textile-mill bobbins from an Etsy seller.  Funny story - I asked for my husband's input when deciding which colors I wanted to order.  I had already settled on blue, but was waffling between a mossy green and a rich magenta/purple.  He argued that purple was the better color "because it has more blue".  Whatever.  I ordered all three in the end.  After a few sessions with this roving I can already see an improvement in the uniformity of the singles I'm spinning with my top-whorl spindle.

Life-to-fiber comparison: Sometimes it's nice for things to be soft and loose and fluffy.  Other times you need a little stress and tension and pent-up energy.  Then, in the end, when you get your head wrapped around everything, it all becomes balanced (with the help of a dip in a hot bath).

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